Saturday, March 31, 2018

Looking for Safe Spots...

Looking for the yellow, red or black boxes
For what has been convenient,
What has been advised
Always looking for these boxes to tick,
Spaces to fill..
Mindless representations and mindless decisions.
When has it ever been for sheer honesty?
As clear as the water in a spring brook,
Or as clear as the touch of a guileless puppy?
Where, you do not lie to yourself?
Or tell yourself, all is well!!
Where you do not fear the wrath of power and consequences?
Spots of all colors are available for your choice.
Blue, yellow, green, red and orange.
Square of self imposition and self importance.
When are you to be the wave on the water?
The color outside lines?
Fluid, boundless and limitless,
Flowing as you deem fit?
When the grasp for free air?
And when the feeling of owing noone for what's right?
What's right?
Is it like waves on the water with unseen whirlpools?
Or something familiar and something safe?