Thursday, August 26, 2010

Protection of the Rights of Slaves

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Through some godforsaken practice they rose to the position of rulers, and leaders of superpowers, while women became their slaves. Bible declares women to have come from the rib of man. I am nobody to point a finger at a religious gospel and its scientific validity, but was God really a male chauvinist, when he made this earth?! And for this kind gesture on part of the men, women are forever indebted to men, no matter what price they pay?!

This is no cry for liberalization. This is sheer wrath against the principle that men can get away with anything. There were the cave ages, when no morals were known. Men and women shared responsibility, while men hunted the caves; women took care of the family and fed their men. They procreated too, which led to continuation of our race up till now. How come people forget that part so easily? There was no discrimination then and wherever there seemed like a disparity, there was no civilized society to take care of it. What about now? So many written laws, so many forums, so many international conferences to uphold the women’s rights against so many wrongs; now suddenly women are the victims. Forget the liberalization movement! Forget the women empowerment! It’s all a farce to keep the society look good in the eyes of the beholders. The inside story is so different. It is not the lack of laws or mechanisms that trouble the women. It’s the misplaced conception in the society that men can get away with anything. In effect, their egos have been blown up to such an extent that there is no way to deflate them. Even the meekest of the lot, know it in their hearts that their women will forgive them whatever they do. Boyfriends, husbands, fathers, brothers, strange men in the buses, all realize that the woman is afraid to react. She feels she’ll be crucified for any revolt that she makes. She fears being called the ice queen or the vamp or the slave driving professional or even a dictator. She can never aim for the stars because then no man will want to settle down with her. Oh there have been plenty of woman who reached the top, but look at what prices they had to pay!!! The recent episode in the pubs of India, wherein women got bashed up for drinking, is a perfect example of how men have set up a cliché for themselves, to which no woman has a right. Scores of incidents are happening around us, maybe in our own lives where we see and experience abuse at their hands.

It is not that women are afraid to react to this abuse, be it at the hands of their husbands, boyfriends, bosses and other men in their lives. They merely want to work it out. There are many who give up this attempt. They end up either being failures in life or women on top, who are ready to sacrifice everything because sacrificing is easier than making an attempt at setting things right. This is a call to all those women who are proud to be called so and at all those men who think they rule. If the women folk are being nice to you, ever forgiving and patient, it is not because they are losers or they are afraid of you leaving them. They just want to give it another shot. They just love you so much. Learn to appreciate them you men folk!!! Take notice.


Deekshith Vemuganti said...

that is so radical and commune on your part.

a ship that could never anchor said...

i am actually not a feminist.but ter have been some incidents ive witnessed in society which made me so angry.this was jus a vent out of that anger cos i know m incapable of doin anythin else

Deekshith Vemuganti said...

atleast, you are expressing. many people are too busy to give it a thought too.